Virtual Assistant
Audio Transcription, Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant, Virtual Office

Remote Working – The New Norm?

Do you work from home? Is remote working the new normal for 2021?

For us as virtual assistants, we’ve been working from home since 2004! This makes us experts in the virtual working arena.

So what exactly is remote working? Well it can be pretty much anything.

Here are a few examples of work from home jobs:

And the list goes on…..

Working from home as an employee means your employer determines and controls your working hours, holidays and work load.

As a self employed business owner you have more control over what you do and who you do it for.

So – what is the answer if you are self employed or if you’re a small business who doesn’t have any employees? Is it to employ remote staff?

Well, that’s one solution. But it also means you would have to pay your staff a certain amount each month. That would also include any holiday entitlement.

You would also be responsible for maternity and paternity pay for new parents. Plus any other employer contributions.

A simpler solution would be to invest in the services of another small business owner, such as a virtual assistant, or virtual office services business.

They would be able to carry out any or all of the above tasks and more, without any of the red tape.

So, it may cost a little bit more per hour but you would save on all the other employer costs. Plus you’re not usually tied in as you can normally pay as you go!

And the bonus is, if you’re not happy you can cancel anytime, or change service providers quite easily without any repercussions.

It’s certainly worth thinking about isn’t it?

So, if you want to know more then have a chat with us – just click the chat button bottom right to get started.

Missing calls?
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering

Are you missing phone calls?

Startups and SMES – if you are missing phone calls then investing in a professional telephone answering service will make sure you don’t miss that important new customer enquiry.

Get your phone calls answered by customer service trained virtual assistants and build your customer base.

Improve on your customer service levels as well as customer retainment.

Buy our quarterly package before 31 December and get 1 month extra free.

For more information on how you can get your calls answered professionally, click here.

Check out our testimonials and reviews. Don’t lose potential customers by missing phone calls.

Real Life Alexa
Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Virtual Assistant

Real Life Alexa?

How many of you remember your first work computer? I do, it was a Commodore PC and was attached to a dot matrix printer. You know the type where you had to pop the paper over the little cogs at the side and ended up with reams of paper all over the floor?

This was back in 1984 when I was just 17! I remember my first job interview as I had to take a manual typing test and I was so nervous. I spent two years at this telecommunications first despatching engineers to fix telephone, emergency lighting and fire alarm systems.

Those were the days when I seemed to be able to memorise everything. Over the years as computers have been upgraded and we’re relying on them more and more my memory seems to have gotten worse and worse! Or it could just be an age thing!

What was your first job, and what type of equipment did you use? Have you found technology is affecting your cognitive ability or enhancing it? And with the likes of Siri and Alexa, are we becoming far too reliant on artificial intelligence?

If you would prefer a real life Alexa then get in touch as you can get 20% off virtual assistant services until the end of this year!

To take advantage of the 20% get in touch quoting ‘Real Life Alexa’.

Grow your business
Audio Transcription, Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant, Virtual Office

SME challenges

As a small business you are likely to have some SME business challenges. Some common complaints are:

  • I don’t have time to focus on building my business.
  • I cannot take calls while driving or in meetings so I am missing potential clients.
  • My response rates on Facebook are suffering and I’m missing out on potential sales.  
  • We have no time to check/respond to emails quickly and this is affecting customer service.
  • We run training events have no staff to respond to bookings and send out joining instructions etc. so this caused confusion in the office.
  • I’m from the pre-social media era and can’t get my head around social media management/marketing. 
  • I have a website that needs updating regularly but I don’t know how, or have time to do it.

If you can relate to any of the above, what are you doing about it? 

A virtual assistant is the answer!  A virtual PA/Temp/Assistant can take care of it all.  Benefits include:

  • Peace of mind that your customers are being cared for.  We specialise in great customer service and have had corporate training in this respect.
  • A remote training coordinator can deal with all the administration surrounding getting delegates on to your courses. 
  • A CMS virtual assistant can update your blog, website, install plugins, create posts and much more.

So if you need help with your SME challenges or you need support in other ways, then get in touch. 

Get 20% off all hourly virtual assistant, social media & content management services until 31 December 2020.

Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Help For On Line Retailers

Help for on line retailers is available.

To all budding on line retailers with limited resources:


  • You have established your on line business. You’re selling your products via many avenues such as your company website, perhaps on a Facebook page as well as showcasing products on GoogleMyBusiness. You could also be selling by way of the big players such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy.
  • Orders have started to come in but now you’re finding you cannot deal with all the enquiries, processing of orders including taking payments over the phone and you’re missing out on potential orders because you’re tied up with logistics
  • You don’t have enough staff to cope with the sudden influx of orders, or deal with any enquiries efficiently due to cost constraints or other reasons.
  • Customers have started to complain they can’t get through, or they have a problem and are not able to get it sorted in a timely fashion
  • It may even have got so far as to have received negative reviews or complaints which have affected your sales and reputation or may well do in the future

So, what do you do? Carry on regardless or address it head on? There is help for on line retailers.

For more information on how you can get the extra help you need, when you need it get in touch.

To learn more click here.

Still not sure? For inspiration check this out.

Remember, There Is No Plan B! Don’t be a ‘Crazy Fool’ – If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!

Virtual Assistant

There Is No Plan B

Small business owners There Is No Plan B just in case you haven’t noticed as time is money!

Is your ‘to do’ list already overflowing and you don’t know where to start? Don’t waste time working in your business when you can focus on building it.

If all the running around driving you mad – don’t be a ‘Crazy Fool’ – There is no Plan B! If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!

FOSVA (Freelance Office Services & Virtual Assistance) – Servicing customers satisfactorily since 2004!

Save up to 25%

There is no Plan B!
If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!
Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant Offer 2020

Small business owners can save 20% all year round with our virtual assistant offer. Why waste time working in your office when you can focus on building your business during 2020.

Take our virtual assistant service anytime throughout 2020 and save a whopping 20% for as long as you use the service a minimum 2 hours per month. Offer remains in effect for continuous service.

For a further 5% discount please add a review here.

To claim this virtual assistant offer please call 03302 235170.

Virtual Assistant Offer
Your virtual assistant is a Jack of All Trades, but but no Master of None!
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Busy SMEs and Start Ups

Being a SME or startup you may be struggling to keep on top of things.

You will have a limited budget so cannot always afford to hire staff.

An office temp maybe ‘tempting’ but can you afford to pay for the whole or half day?

Employing staff is not an option as you will have to pay for things like employee pension, sickness pay, holiday pay, maternity leave etc.

Maybe you’re getting sidetracked with phone calls and enquiries like most busy SMEs.

Or you’re fed up of being interrupted when you’re trying to work.

If you’re too busy working ‘in’ your business to focus on ‘building it’ then invest in a call answering service or virtual assistant.

The virtual assistant will take care of all the day to day tasks so you can focus on your main priorities.

#MarketingMonday #SMEs #VirtualAssistant #Busy-SMEs

Where do I start?!
Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Small Business Owners

Small Business Owners are you giving value to your customers by given them your full attention? Do you feel like a ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None’!

You may have a few good customers but need a few more to make your business viable.  However, because you’re so busy with the day to day stuff, such as accounting, chasing suppliers, processing orders, social media marketing and the day to day running of the office you fall short on customer service.  This in turn affects your credibility and reputation.

Maybe you have already received a few complaints but not because you don’t want to offer a good service, but because you’re simply too busy and not focused on your clients’ needs. You can’t afford to employ staff and have little other resources so what do you do?

This is where a Virtual Assistant comes in and can add value to your business by taking the pressure off you without breaking your bank balance by freeing up your time so you can do what you do best.

Want to know more?  Small business owners can get in touch with us here or chat below.

#VirtualAssistant #MarketingMonday #SMEs

Small Business Services, Virtual Assistant

Busy Bee – why are you buzzing around?

When you’re a busy bee you’re usually over worked so you become stressed. Then your business suffers as a result.  

If you find you’re spending all your time working in your business instead of focusing all your energy into building it and promoting your brand, then it’s a sign you need help.

A Virtual Assistant can take the strain so you can work on building your company.

The Virtual PA will act as a member of staff on behalf of your company. So no need to find the temp a desk.  

She doesn’t even need to come to the office.  The Virtual PA will ensure the work is completed remotely in your absence.

Don’t be a busy bee – contact us now to get the help you need and save 20% Minimum spend 2 hours per month.