Mid Wales and Shropshire Virtual and Registered Office
Small Business Services, Virtual Office

Virtual Office – Mid Wales and Shropshire

Do you run a small business in Mid Wales or Shropshire?

Mid Wales and Shropshire virtual office addresses are hard to come by. You may have found it difficult to find a virtual office address if you’re living and working in these areas, especially in Wales.

You may be a small business owner living and working in Wales or the West Midlands so it makes sense to have an address for your business in the same area.

So, due to demand, just this week we have joined forces with a well established accountancy firm to bring you 5 brand new virtual office locations in Powys and Shropshire.

Being self employed and running a business from home has its advantages but you may not wish to advertise your address to all and sundry. This is where a virtual office address comes in handy!

Our virtual office address locations offer:

  • Both registered and mailing address – no additional charge as with some companies
  • Limited company name displayed at location – as per HMRC requirements
  • Electronic mail forwarding
  • All inclusive annual fee

Choose from:

  • Knighton, Powys
  • Ludlow, Shropshire
  • Newtown, Powys
  • Oswestry, Shropshire
  • Shrewsbury, Shropshire

If you’re a small business in Mid Wales or Shropshire and want a professional business address without the need for advertising your home address, then get in touch today.

Special offer until 31 October 2023 – 10% off.

If you have had trouble finding a virtual office in other locations, please let us know.

January News
Small Business Services

January News

What’s new for January 2022

January is always a bit of a come down after the Christmas festivities, but with the ongoing pandemic it’s kind of been like that for a couple of years now.

Small business owners have been suffering with rising costs and lack of revenue – even more so if it’s in hospitality.

Some businesses have become unviable and have had to shut up shop, which means many people have also lost their jobs.

Those that can all but survive have had to either let go some employees, or put them on furlough.

With the continuing working from home trend, it seems the best businesses to be in are home deliveries/on line retail, and carrier services.

Working from home has its benefits to some, as it saves on childcare and the cost of commuting, but not so much if you like that personal interaction with coworkers.

Video calling has its merits, but you can’t beat that one to one personal connection you get in real life situations.

Get the help you need

We’ve been working remotely since our business inception in 2004 and we love it, but then that’s our business model and we do it very well.

Our customers, yes you, come back time and time again and some have never left in over 10 years so we must be doing something right!

We can help you get your business back on track, while we sweat the small stuff, so that you can focus on building up your business!

Our prices have remained constant for many years with only slight changes, and we will continue to keep our prices at the same rates for 2022.

So if you’re a small business owner who needs a little helping hand and you can’t afford premises or staff, then have a chat with us. Chat Now!

Keep an eye on our blog and socials (links in footer), for forthcoming discounts/promotions. Some will pop up in the chat bot when you visit a particular page.

Get your New Year off to a good start!

Retain your customers
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Customer Retention – Achievable?

Customer retention is based on customer satisfaction.

Did you know that customers will base their decision about whether or not to do business with you within the first few minutes so it’s important you have a professional at the end of your phone!

Even more important is about how you handle their enquiries or even more so, their complaints!  It’s a fact that a customer is more likely to remain loyal, return, if you resolve their issues satisfactorily, regardless of how bad it was!

It’s all about a great customer service experience.  Give your customers what they want, deal with any issues quickly and promptly and they’ll keep coming back.

A virtual assistant or answering service is one way to keep your customers loyal. 

Watch the video for a few simple tips about how to give your customers a great customer service experience. This will increase customer retention.

A professional answering service will help you to keep your customer happy

Missing calls?
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering

Are you missing phone calls?

Startups and SMES – if you are missing phone calls then investing in a professional telephone answering service will make sure you don’t miss that important new customer enquiry.

Get your phone calls answered by customer service trained virtual assistants and build your customer base.

Improve on your customer service levels as well as customer retainment.

Buy our quarterly package before 31 December and get 1 month extra free.

For more information on how you can get your calls answered professionally, click here.

Check out our testimonials and reviews. Don’t lose potential customers by missing phone calls.

Grow your business
Audio Transcription, Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant, Virtual Office

SME challenges

As a small business you are likely to have some SME business challenges. Some common complaints are:

  • I don’t have time to focus on building my business.
  • I cannot take calls while driving or in meetings so I am missing potential clients.
  • My response rates on Facebook are suffering and I’m missing out on potential sales.  
  • We have no time to check/respond to emails quickly and this is affecting customer service.
  • We run training events have no staff to respond to bookings and send out joining instructions etc. so this caused confusion in the office.
  • I’m from the pre-social media era and can’t get my head around social media management/marketing. 
  • I have a website that needs updating regularly but I don’t know how, or have time to do it.

If you can relate to any of the above, what are you doing about it? 

A virtual assistant is the answer!  A virtual PA/Temp/Assistant can take care of it all.  Benefits include:

  • Peace of mind that your customers are being cared for.  We specialise in great customer service and have had corporate training in this respect.
  • A remote training coordinator can deal with all the administration surrounding getting delegates on to your courses. 
  • A CMS virtual assistant can update your blog, website, install plugins, create posts and much more.

So if you need help with your SME challenges or you need support in other ways, then get in touch. 

Get 20% off all hourly virtual assistant, social media & content management services until 31 December 2020.

Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Virtual Assistant

Is your smallbiz visible?

UK SMEs, Startups, Entrepreneurs, Smallbiz – how are people buying your products and services? How are they getting in touch primarily? Is it by telephone, Facebook messaging, Twitter direct messages, via your website or another means?

Do people still use the phone or are more and more people now using social media to get what they want?

Are you finding it easy to sell your services or products on line, or are you still using old fashioned methods? What is working for you?

Being in the virtual assistant and social media management business I think I know the answer but I’d be interested to hear your views as the dynamics have changed dramatically in the last 15 years of my business.

I have something to give away to 2 small businesses (smallbiz) who have the most interesting views or who are struggling to manage their time due to lack of resources.

It will depend on your answers and to what you need help with the most.

Contact us now.

#SME #SmallBiz #SmallBusiness #StartUps #WednesdayWisdom #Freebie #WTFWednesday

Small Business Services, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Busy SMEs and Start Ups

Being a SME or startup you may be struggling to keep on top of things.

You will have a limited budget so cannot always afford to hire staff.

An office temp maybe ‘tempting’ but can you afford to pay for the whole or half day?

Employing staff is not an option as you will have to pay for things like employee pension, sickness pay, holiday pay, maternity leave etc.

Maybe you’re getting sidetracked with phone calls and enquiries like most busy SMEs.

Or you’re fed up of being interrupted when you’re trying to work.

If you’re too busy working ‘in’ your business to focus on ‘building it’ then invest in a call answering service or virtual assistant.

The virtual assistant will take care of all the day to day tasks so you can focus on your main priorities.

#MarketingMonday #SMEs #VirtualAssistant #Busy-SMEs

Where do I start?!
Small Business Services, Virtual Office

SMEs – got any street cred?

SMEs – what does your shop front say about you? Most start ups and SMEs will start working from home and while this is all well and good for cost savings, using your home address is not always practical.

For instance a client wishes to come and see you, but you work in your bedroom and your house is tiny or your children and pets are at home making a noise. You don’t really want to have visitors to you home.

While you would just go a meet your client outside or hire a meeting room, you still have to advertise your home address. You may not want customers just turning up unannounced or even knowing where you live.

If you live in an area that doesn’t reflect your business image wouldn’t it be better to have a prestigious London address on your website or headed paper?  First impressions count whether you like it or not.

For the rest of December we are waiving our £50 deposit on our London registered office or virtual office business address in the Royal Borough of Chelsea and Kensington.

#VirtualOffice #London #WednesdayWisdom

Small Business Services, Virtual Assistant

Busy Bee – why are you buzzing around?

When you’re a busy bee you’re usually over worked so you become stressed. Then your business suffers as a result.  

If you find you’re spending all your time working in your business instead of focusing all your energy into building it and promoting your brand, then it’s a sign you need help.

A Virtual Assistant can take the strain so you can work on building your company.

The Virtual PA will act as a member of staff on behalf of your company. So no need to find the temp a desk.  

She doesn’t even need to come to the office.  The Virtual PA will ensure the work is completed remotely in your absence.

Don’t be a busy bee – contact us now to get the help you need and save 20% Minimum spend 2 hours per month.