January News
Small Business Services

January News

What’s new for January 2022

January is always a bit of a come down after the Christmas festivities, but with the ongoing pandemic it’s kind of been like that for a couple of years now.

Small business owners have been suffering with rising costs and lack of revenue – even more so if it’s in hospitality.

Some businesses have become unviable and have had to shut up shop, which means many people have also lost their jobs.

Those that can all but survive have had to either let go some employees, or put them on furlough.

With the continuing working from home trend, it seems the best businesses to be in are home deliveries/on line retail, and carrier services.

Working from home has its benefits to some, as it saves on childcare and the cost of commuting, but not so much if you like that personal interaction with coworkers.

Video calling has its merits, but you can’t beat that one to one personal connection you get in real life situations.

Get the help you need

We’ve been working remotely since our business inception in 2004 and we love it, but then that’s our business model and we do it very well.

Our customers, yes you, come back time and time again and some have never left in over 10 years so we must be doing something right!

We can help you get your business back on track, while we sweat the small stuff, so that you can focus on building up your business!

Our prices have remained constant for many years with only slight changes, and we will continue to keep our prices at the same rates for 2022.

So if you’re a small business owner who needs a little helping hand and you can’t afford premises or staff, then have a chat with us. Chat Now!

Keep an eye on our blog and socials (links in footer), for forthcoming discounts/promotions. Some will pop up in the chat bot when you visit a particular page.

Get your New Year off to a good start!