Customer Complaints are a regular occurrence when you don’t have properly trained staff to deal with them.
Scenario – you’re a service provider, and your customer is less than satisfied with the level of service received so has called you and is very irate – how should you handle it?
Here are the basics of handling a complaint when the customer is angry:
- Let the customer rant without interrupting
- When they stop ranting – empathise with your customer in an effort to placate them
- Take ownership – do not blame others or give excuses!
- Ask them what they need from you to fix the problem
- Offer a solution and explain what you will do and DO IT!
- FOLLOW UP in a few days to find out if the issue has been resolved
Customers are more likely to continue using your service or recommend you, if you take ownership and work with them to rectify the complaint.
A professional telephone answering service would provide a good solution if you don’t have trained personnel to take your calls.
Get your customer complaints dealt with effectively so your customers keep coming back.
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