Professional telephone answering service for small businesses who are too busy to take their own calls.

Customer Complaints - how to handle them
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Customer complaints – how to handle them

Customer Complaints are a regular occurrence when you don’t have properly trained staff to deal with them.

Scenario – you’re a service provider, and your customer is less than satisfied with the level of service received so has called you and is very irate – how should you handle it?

Here are the basics of handling a complaint when the customer is angry:

  • Let the customer rant without interrupting
  • When they stop ranting – empathise with your customer in an effort to placate them
  • Take ownership – do not blame others or give excuses!
  • Ask them what they need from you to fix the problem
  • Offer a solution and explain what you will do and DO IT!
  • FOLLOW UP in a few days to find out if the issue has been resolved

Customers are more likely to continue using your service or recommend you, if you take ownership and work with them to rectify the complaint.

A professional telephone answering service would provide a good solution if you don’t have trained personnel to take your calls.

Get your customer complaints dealt with effectively so your customers keep coming back.

Please follow us on Linked In.

Grow your business
Audio Transcription, Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant, Virtual Office

SME challenges

As a small business you are likely to have some SME business challenges. Some common complaints are:

  • I don’t have time to focus on building my business.
  • I cannot take calls while driving or in meetings so I am missing potential clients.
  • My response rates on Facebook are suffering and I’m missing out on potential sales.  
  • We have no time to check/respond to emails quickly and this is affecting customer service.
  • We run training events have no staff to respond to bookings and send out joining instructions etc. so this caused confusion in the office.
  • I’m from the pre-social media era and can’t get my head around social media management/marketing. 
  • I have a website that needs updating regularly but I don’t know how, or have time to do it.

If you can relate to any of the above, what are you doing about it? 

A virtual assistant is the answer!  A virtual PA/Temp/Assistant can take care of it all.  Benefits include:

  • Peace of mind that your customers are being cared for.  We specialise in great customer service and have had corporate training in this respect.
  • A remote training coordinator can deal with all the administration surrounding getting delegates on to your courses. 
  • A CMS virtual assistant can update your blog, website, install plugins, create posts and much more.

So if you need help with your SME challenges or you need support in other ways, then get in touch. 

Get 20% off all hourly virtual assistant, social media & content management services until 31 December 2020.

Telephone Answering

Telephone Answering Service Half Price

Calling all small businesses – if you’ve had to lay off staff but still need your calls answering, Telephone Answering Services are now half until 30 June.

PAYG Telephone Answering Service: Now £50/quarter, calls just 50p/call – screening calls, taking messages, sending message by whatsapp/email/SMS.

Inclusive call options: 10 calls/month now just £45 (over quota 50p/call) 25 calls/month now just £75 (over quota 50p/call).

UK local or non-geographical Telephone number provided to divert your calls which presents in your company name. Incoming calls only.

Discount will continue until 31 December 2020 provided you start it before 30 June.

For more information about our call answering service.

Telephone Answering Half Price
Let me take your calls – I will send messages via email, whatsapp or SMS.
Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Help For On Line Retailers

Help for on line retailers is available.

To all budding on line retailers with limited resources:


  • You have established your on line business. You’re selling your products via many avenues such as your company website, perhaps on a Facebook page as well as showcasing products on GoogleMyBusiness. You could also be selling by way of the big players such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy.
  • Orders have started to come in but now you’re finding you cannot deal with all the enquiries, processing of orders including taking payments over the phone and you’re missing out on potential orders because you’re tied up with logistics
  • You don’t have enough staff to cope with the sudden influx of orders, or deal with any enquiries efficiently due to cost constraints or other reasons.
  • Customers have started to complain they can’t get through, or they have a problem and are not able to get it sorted in a timely fashion
  • It may even have got so far as to have received negative reviews or complaints which have affected your sales and reputation or may well do in the future

So, what do you do? Carry on regardless or address it head on? There is help for on line retailers.

For more information on how you can get the extra help you need, when you need it get in touch.

To learn more click here.

Still not sure? For inspiration check this out.

Remember, There Is No Plan B! Don’t be a ‘Crazy Fool’ – If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!

Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Small Business Owner?

Small business owner? How is your day going so far? What’s that you say, no time to scratch your bum???

Why is that? What issues are you facing as a small business in relation to time management?

Perhaps you have too much work to do and not enough hours in the day.

Or you’re constantly on the road or in meetings and keep missing phone calls from potential customers or indeed your current ones.

Customer service is paramount so if you’re struggling to get things done or keep on top of enquiries.

A virtual assistant or call answering service would definitely help to improve your bottom line and customer satisfaction and retention.

Not only are we offering half price rates on our virtual assistant service during December, but as an extra special Christmas gift to you, you can now get 4 months for the price of one if you need a simple call answering/screening service.

So if you’re a small business owner who wants to add a more professional feel to your business then hire a virtual assistant to take your calls and keep on top of enquiries.

So what are you waiting for? Take out the service before 31 December to benefit. Tel: 03302 235170 or get in touch.

#CallAnsweringService #VirtualAssistant #SmallBiz #SME #Entrepreneur #VirtualOffice #SmallBusiness

Small Business Owner?
Get one month free
Small Business Services, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Busy SMEs and Start Ups

Being a SME or startup you may be struggling to keep on top of things.

You will have a limited budget so cannot always afford to hire staff.

An office temp maybe ‘tempting’ but can you afford to pay for the whole or half day?

Employing staff is not an option as you will have to pay for things like employee pension, sickness pay, holiday pay, maternity leave etc.

Maybe you’re getting sidetracked with phone calls and enquiries like most busy SMEs.

Or you’re fed up of being interrupted when you’re trying to work.

If you’re too busy working ‘in’ your business to focus on ‘building it’ then invest in a call answering service or virtual assistant.

The virtual assistant will take care of all the day to day tasks so you can focus on your main priorities.

#MarketingMonday #SMEs #VirtualAssistant #Busy-SMEs

Where do I start?!
Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Small Businesses

Small Businesses – are you missing potential clients? If you’re busy on the road, in meetings, or otherwise unable to answer calls and enquiries then my guess is you probably are!

I would imagine as a SME you don’t have the budget to employ full time or even part time staff and although a temp is a ‘temp’ting idea, it’s still not cost effective as you have to pay for their time even if they’re sitting twiddling their thumbs.  Wouldn’t it be great if you had a virtual temp?

That is someone who can be your virtual receptionist or virtual assistant and deal with all those enquiries remotely and all you have to do is pay for the time they actually spend on your business, or better still a quarterly fee that includes so many calls per month? The latter is good if you only get a few and need simple message forwarding.

If you need a more involved assistant then an hourly rate is best and you only pay for their time, not the whole day! A virtual assistant can take your calls and deal with any email enquiries or social media enquiries which seems to be the way a lot of people get in touch these days – especially if you deal with the general public.

Want to know how we can help small businesses manage their time?  Check out the video below and contact us to find out more.

Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant

Small Business Owners

Small Business Owners are you giving value to your customers by given them your full attention? Do you feel like a ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None’!

You may have a few good customers but need a few more to make your business viable.  However, because you’re so busy with the day to day stuff, such as accounting, chasing suppliers, processing orders, social media marketing and the day to day running of the office you fall short on customer service.  This in turn affects your credibility and reputation.

Maybe you have already received a few complaints but not because you don’t want to offer a good service, but because you’re simply too busy and not focused on your clients’ needs. You can’t afford to employ staff and have little other resources so what do you do?

This is where a Virtual Assistant comes in and can add value to your business by taking the pressure off you without breaking your bank balance by freeing up your time so you can do what you do best.

Want to know more?  Small business owners can get in touch with us here or chat below.

#VirtualAssistant #MarketingMonday #SMEs

Audio Transcription, Content Management, Small Business Services, Social Media Management, Telephone Answering, Virtual Assistant, Virtual Office

Small Business Management

Managing your new small business is tough enough so why not get the help you need to free up your time and save on staff costs by utlising a virtual PA.  A Virtual Assistant can help with most back office tasks such as social media, administration, call answering, data entry.  Save costs on hiring staff by using a VPA.

Also, it’s never a good idea to use your home address for business, instead try a virtual office address.  You can choose from 2 prestigious addresses  in London.  Why not enhance that by getting an answering service to take those calls when you’re too busy.

If you’re a busy surveyor, lawyer, HR professional or private investigator you could benefit from having your recordings transcribed professionally with an audio transcription service.  You talk, we type.  Just send us your files and we’ll do the rest.

Follow us on Facebook.  Find out how we can help your SmallBusiness by using the chat bot below.

Contact us for more information