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Help For On Line Retailers

Help for on line retailers is available.

To all budding on line retailers with limited resources:


  • You have established your on line business. You’re selling your products via many avenues such as your company website, perhaps on a Facebook page as well as showcasing products on GoogleMyBusiness. You could also be selling by way of the big players such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy.
  • Orders have started to come in but now you’re finding you cannot deal with all the enquiries, processing of orders including taking payments over the phone and you’re missing out on potential orders because you’re tied up with logistics
  • You don’t have enough staff to cope with the sudden influx of orders, or deal with any enquiries efficiently due to cost constraints or other reasons.
  • Customers have started to complain they can’t get through, or they have a problem and are not able to get it sorted in a timely fashion
  • It may even have got so far as to have received negative reviews or complaints which have affected your sales and reputation or may well do in the future

So, what do you do? Carry on regardless or address it head on? There is help for on line retailers.

For more information on how you can get the extra help you need, when you need it get in touch.

To learn more click here.

Still not sure? For inspiration check this out.

Remember, There Is No Plan B! Don’t be a ‘Crazy Fool’ – If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!

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There Is No Plan B

Small business owners There Is No Plan B just in case you haven’t noticed as time is money!

Is your ‘to do’ list already overflowing and you don’t know where to start? Don’t waste time working in your business when you can focus on building it.

If all the running around driving you mad – don’t be a ‘Crazy Fool’ – There is no Plan B! If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!

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There is no Plan B!
If you’re in a predicament and need a fast, reliable service, then maybe you can hire ‘VA Team’!